
Batimatech is a non-profit organization that helps construction companies in Quebec find new and relevant technologies. Between October 2022 and April 2023, I worked as a freelance developer for Batimatech, improving their existing website and building a new one. Below are the key contributions I made:

New Website: JeBatimatech

I built a new website,, which serves as a directory of existing software and hardware technology solutions. This project involved:

  • Custom Directory: Developed a custom directory in PHP and JavaScript/jQuery that is sortable and filterable.
  • Directory Management: Developed the "backend" with wordpress custom post type and the ACF plugin so the client can add, edit and import solutions into the application.
  • Deployment: Deployed the website to production.

JeBatimatech screenshot

Enhancements to Existing Website: Batimatech

I added e-commerce and membership functionalities to their existing website, This included:

  • WooCommerce Integration: Implemented WooCommerce to enable the sale of online courses.
  • Membership Functionality: Integrated membership features that offer discounts on online courses for sponsors and members.

Freelance Project Management

In addition to my technical contributions, I managed the client relationship, contracts, expectations, and timelines. These experiences have equipped me with valuable skills in:

  • Client Management: Effectively communicating with clients to understand their needs and provide regular updates.
  • Project Management: Planning and executing projects within the agreed-upon timelines and scope.

My freelance work with Batimatech demonstrates my capacity for project and client management, making me a very versatile employee.