Web dev agency Progexia

I have been a full-time employee at Progexia since 2022. Due to a lack of contracts at the agency I am now looking for a new employer.

I had the opportunity to work on a variety of challenging projects, leveraging my skills in VueJS, ExpressJS, PHP, and WordPress. Below are some of the key projects I contributed to:

Stock Portfolio Management Dashboard

For a stock portfolio management company, I developed a VueJS frontend for a custom portfolio management dashboard. This project involved:

  • Dynamic Tables: Implemented multiple tables with dynamic columns, editable column presets, filters, sorting and editable cells with PrimeVue UI library. See screenshot below.
  • Data Integration: Fetched financial data from a local database and public APIs.
  • CSV Import: Importing data from CSV files into a local PostgreSQL database.

Additionally, I contributed to the backend using ExpressJS:

  • Database Operations: Wrote code to fetch, save, and load data from the database.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Implemented data access based on user roles set by co-worker (implemented with auth0 and local DB).

financial dashboard screenshot

Dashboard above entirely made by me

Online Life Insurance Form

For Viaction, a life insurance company, I developed a VueJS frontend and some backend PHP for a 20-step online form. This project included:

  • Dynamic Forms: Utilized the JSON forms library to build a form with multiple conditional fields and sub-fields.
  • API Integration: Integrated with PHP/WordPress API to save and load form responses from the database.
  • Online signature: Implemented the frontend for Dropbox sign embedded signature.
  • User Experience: Enabled clients to save their progress and return to complete the form later.
  • Address Autocomplete: Integrated Google Geocoder and Autocomplete API to suggest addresses.

Additionally, I created their new homepage based on our designer mockups.

Viaction homepage

Multistep Dynamic Form for Customizable Blinds

For a project involving a multistep dynamic form for fully customizable blinds, I:

  • DevOps Implementation: Developed GitLab DevOps pipelines to automatically deploy and build the VueJS frontend and WordPress plugin on push/merge to the master branch.
  • Custom Form Development: Built a custom form using VueJS, Pinia store, and vue-query (the VueJS version of react-query).
  • API Integration: Made API calls to a custom blinds manufacturer at every step to get and validate possible options.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Integrated the VueJS frontend with the WooCommerce plugin on the PHP/WordPress backend to enable order processing.

Clubstore form

WordPress Websites

I also worked on creating and maintaining WordPress websites for multiple clients:

  • New websites: Built simple WordPress websites from scratch.
  • New features, Maintenance and Updates.