is a project I have been building for fun. It is an AI assistant tool specifically tailored for VueJS. The website features a classic AI chatbot using a custom RAG implementation with LlamaIndex. It also comes with a JSON pseudo-code component builder to improve the assistant's reliability: component builder screenshot

The website combines a lot of the tools and knowledge I have acquired over the years into an app hosted on a single VPS instance. The app is coded in TypeScript and runs Nuxt via Docker. It features a custom AI RAG model, a database, authentication, automated deployments, self-hosted analytics...

All the features are self-hosted except for the payment, email providers, and the AI Inference API:

  • RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) AI model built with LlamaIndex featuring a Qdrant vector database built with Python which the AI model queries in order to ground its answers on a more precise context.
  • Authentication with Lucia. Lucia is a low-level library that abstracts away the complexity of handling sessions. Authentication is fully handled on the VPS & local database.
  • SQLite database for portability and to "keep it simple".
  • TypeScript ORM with Drizzle ORM. Drizzle enables us to define the database structure in a schema and push modifications with migrations. It also comes with its own type-safe wrapper for SQL queries.
  • PrimeVue UI library.

The tool is served in Docker containers and deployed via GitHub Actions:

  • A GitHub Action builds the Nuxt app in a container running Node.js.
  • The built directory is copied to the VPS and we restart the Node container of the app.
  • The service is then served by a Caddy reverse-proxy also running in Docker.
  • A staging environment runs in the exact same way when we push to the "stage" branch.
  • The VPS also runs Umami for self-hosted analytics (privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics).

As for the only non-self-hosted features:

  • The AI inference is ran by the DeepSeek API in order to cut down on costs. With enough traffic I would like to switch to a "self-hosted" solution but renting powerful enough GPUs is too expensive for now.
  • Payment is provided by Lemon Squeezy, a Stripe alternative that also handles tax declarations. The checkout page is served via a popup on the page. Successful subscriptions are recorded in the database via a webhook.
  • Emails are sent via SendGrid.